E.G.K.F. Referee Committee Rules


 Article 1 – General dispositions

The Referee Committee will consist of the Chair and four (4) full E.G.K.F. Referee A members, all appointed by the Directing Committee and elected for a four years term by the Congress. All five must be qualified in both Kata and Kumite.


Article 2 – Powers and authorities

1.        The Referee Committee will be responsible for the examination of Referee Officials and their deployment at E.G.K.F. events. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to maintain the standards of Refereeing and a uniform interpretation and application of the rules.

2.        The Referee Committee will monitor the performance of the Referees during the European Championships.

3.        Complaints received by the Referee Committee Chair may result in the subsequent performance of the official(s) in question being closely scrutinised and reported on by delegated members of the Referee Committee.

4.        In the event that a Referee incurs in serious criticism, then the Referee Committee will decide whether to suspend that official in their absolute discretion.

5.        The Secretary of the Referee Committee shall arrange with the E.G.K.F. General Secretary for the supply of certificates, badges, stationery, examination papers, pass-books, ties, and such other items as may be required for the Referee programme.

6.        The Referee Committee shall also have the power, with the agreement of the Directing Committee, to convene meetings of its membership in order to discuss Refereeing matters, such as the implications of rule changes.

7.        Meetings and activities of the Referee Committee will be internally coordinated, minuted and circulated by the Referee Committee Secretary as well as to the members of the Directing Committee.


Article 3 – Referee course. Date and venue

1.        The venue of the course shall be in principle the same as the one for European Senior Championships, one championship Kumite and the other Kata. That competition will serve as confirmation event.

2.        The venue for the European Referee Course will be set by the Congress as part of the events calendar of the E.G.K.F.

3.        The course timetable will be set by the Referee Committee three months prior to its scheduled start date.


Article 4 – Referee course. Preparation and responsibilities

1.        To prepare the course, the Chair of the Referee Committee, or one of its members, shall check details with the organising country.


2.        The rules for use at the course together with the aforesaid items shall be circulated by the Referee Committee Secretary.

3.        The Referee Committee will also circulate printed application forms for the course. These will provide for an authorization by the mandated representative of each federation member in respect of the nominated candidates.

4.        The Secretary of the Referee Committee will confirm that he has an adequate supply of badges, ties, certificates, pass-books, forms and the necessary documentation to operate the course.

5.           For the Kumite course the host country will ensure that it can provide high quality fighters, each day. For the Kata course, at least two Kata exponents are required. All competitors must be black belts and at least 18 years old. The Kumite competitors provided must be all of the same sex.


Article 5 – Referee course. Course content

1.        In order to standardise the level of refereeing, the course will involve explanations and updating of the rules. This will take the form of separate tutorial groups in the official language. At the conclusion of this lecture, there will be a theory examination. The theory pass-mark for Kumite and Kata Referees is 80%. The Referee Committee shall have the power to re-examine such near passed candidates as they may feel to merit a second opportunity.

2.        The practical examinations will take the form of observation of a candidate whilst such attempts to work in an actual bout during championship.

3.        A candidate’s performance will be summarised by means of a pass/fail form and the result of the examination will be given to the candidate by the Referee Committee at the end of the Championship.

4.        For Kata Course the presentation of one Kata (tokui) will be needed with its explanation.


Article 6 – Referee course. Qualifications conferred

1.        E.G.K.F. officials may be qualified as Kata and Kumite Referees A or B.

2.        Candidates who receive a Kata Referee B or Kumite Referee B qualification may, at the Referee Committee's discretion, be upgraded to "A" level without further examination, provided they have officiated to "A" standard in at least two European Championships, not including the qualification event. They may also elect to take another examination as means of upgrading.

3.        A Kata candidate must first pass as a Kata B, and serve at least two championships in this capacity before attempting the Kata Referee A examination.

4.        A Kumite candidate must first pass as a Kumite B, and serve at least two championships in this capacity before attempting the Kumite Referee A examination.



5.        In order to qualify as a Kumite Referee A, the Kumite Referee B must, in addition to passing the examination at the E.G.K.F. Referee course, also participate at two scheduled E.G.K.F., not including the confirmation event.

6.        Provided that a Kata or Kumite Referee A or B must attend the an E.G.K.F. Referee course every 4 years, attends the pre-championship briefing and lecture, officiates, satisfactorily at scheduled Championships each year at least, then he will not be expected to undergo the practical examination parts of the Referee course, although he must sit and pass the theory paper.

7.        Adverse reports on performance may well result in that person being required to attend an early re-qualification and in severe cases, may result in his suspension pending a satisfactory re-examination.

8.        To pass as a Kata or Kumite Referee, requires three (3) votes of the Referee Committee.


Article 7 – Referee course. Requirements and financial

1.        The organising country is liable to provide a suitable, reasonable quality hotel for at least two members of Referee Committee.

2.        For the theory lectures and examinations, it must furnish a room with sufficient chairs and desks to accommodate the enlisted number of participants. The room must be equipped with an overhead projector and screen, suitable for viewing transparencies, and a VHS video or DVD recorder and a large monitor.

3.        The practical room must be capable of holding one Kumite area, and equipped with sufficient chairs, bells/buzzers, stop watches, approved protective mitts, red and blue belts and an adequate supply of fighters.

4.        For the practical part of the Kata course there must be an area sufficient for the practice of Kata, chairs and sufficient competitors.

5.        The host country will meet the cost of all these items.

6.        The host country is expected to provide a dinner, or party for the participants. Course candidates should not be charged for this provision though other guests may be.


Article 8 – General Regulations

1.        The National members may nominate candidates to the E.G.K.F. Referee course provided the country is in current paid up membership of E.G.K.F.. Every candidate must have a national Referee licence.

2.        Referee Kumite B candidates must be at least 22 years old and be a minimum of 1st Dan Goju grade. Referee. Kumite A must be at least 30 years old and be a minimum 2nd Dan Goju grade. Kata candidates must be at least 30 years old and be a minimum of 3rd Dan Goju Grade.

3.        Candidates must wear the uniform detailed in Article 9.

4.        All Refereeing officials must be present for briefing and area allocation, 30 minutes before the scheduled start.


5.        The Referee of a bout must not have the nationality of either of the participants.

6.        The Refereeing panel are strictly warned against discussing the outcome or decision of a match or bout with other than the members of the Referee panel or the Referee Committee. Infringement of this rule may incur penalties being taken against the offender.

7.        Only E.G.K.F. qualified and licensed Referees may officiate at the Championships. Use of other than qualified and licensed officials may result in that event being declared invalid.

8.        The Referee Committee will update on our web page each year a list of qualified officials.

9.        Officials of countries in debt to E.G.K.F. may not participate in the Championships or courses.

10.      Referees are required to submit their licences to the Referee Committee at all E.G.K.F. events. This licence duly signed and validated will allow the official to attend all international contests and championships of the E.G.K.F..

11.      Country members should bring, at least, for every championship two (2) referees, failing to do so will imply the payment of penalty fee’s as follows:

a) Country with no referees on the E.G.K.F. Referee’s official role: 300 €;

b) Country with referees on the E.G.K.F. Referee’s official role but with none present: 200 €;

c) Country with referees on the E.G.K.F. Referee’s official role but with just one present: 100 €.



Article 9 – Uniform

1.        Referees must wear the official uniform. This Uniform must be worn at all competitions and courses.

2.        The official uniform will be as follows:

Single breasted, navy-blue blazer, with silver buttons. Official E.G.K.F. badge on the pocket. White shirt. E.G.K.F. tie, worn without pin.Plain light grey trousers Plain dark blue or black socks. Black soft shoes.

3.        For women the following additional specifications are made:

Hair must be worn off the shoulders.

Make-up must be discreet.

Heels of more than 6 cm are not allowed to be worn with the uniform.

4.        No ear-rings or rings, except wedding ring, are to be worn.



rules_referee.doc   ( 48 kb )

rules_referee.zip    (  9  kb )


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