General Meeting at Bosai Hotel (Vienna), 30th September 2005



1 Admission of New Members


The Following members were admitted with all votes in favour: Finland, Iceland, Netherlands and Turkey.


2. EGKF past, present and future


Power point presentation by the President was shown.


3. Proposal of Statutes amendment


The following changes were approved with all votes in favour


Article 4: Rights and duties of members

2. Under the penalty of suspension or expulsion from all international activity, it is the duty of affiliated member to renew each year its membership in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth by the Congress;


Article 4: Rights and duties of members

2. Under the penalty of suspension or expulsion from all international activity, it is the duty of affiliated member to renew each year, until the end of June, its membership in accordance with terms and conditions approved by the Congress;

3. Membership fee’s payed by the time of that years championship will be aggravated in 50%. Fee’s related to previous year should be aggravated in 100%.


4. Proposal of Championship organising rules


The COR were approved with all votes in favour.


5. Addition to WKF Rules, regarding issues related with Goju-Ryu


Proposals should be sent to DC and this issue will be decided in an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held in Dortmund 2006.


6. 1st EGKF International Seminar


It will be held in the city of Dortmund 7.-9. July 2006.

Countries should send their proposals to the DC until the end of November.


7. Election for DC + Auditors and Referee Committee (2005-2009)


The following DC and RF was elected with all the votes in favour:





Humberto Oliveira (POR)


Pieter Harms (BEL)


Horst Nehm (GER)


Erhard Kellner (AUT)


Jiri Bocek (CZE)


Simonetta Lungo (ITA)





Vitaliano Morandi (ITA)


Jaromir Musil (CZE)


Uwe Portugall (GER)


Nuno Cardeira (POR)


Thomas Braatz (AUT)


8. Proposal by the Treasurer


The following proposals were approved with all votes in favour:

-          From 2006 fee will be the same for every country – 150 €

-          End of DC day compensation and replacement by the amount of 300 €


9. Financial report by the treasurer and auditors


10. Information Regarding WGKF, expansion, number of members, world championships info


Asian Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation


On the 9th January 2005 the AGKF was officially formed in Singapore during the seminar at the Polytechnic Sports Complex. A total of 10 countries attended the meeting and selected the office bearers for this term: Shihan Alvin Tan (Singapore) was elected President, Shihan K, Ananthan Vice-President and Sensei B. R. Mitra Secretary General.

The 1st Senior Championship will be held in Malaysia, December 2005 and the 1st Junior and Cadet Championship will be held in Katmandu (Nepal) around November 2006.


Oceanian Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Federation


OGKF was constituted during an event at Fiji, and Dennis May is the President. Current members are: New Zealand. Australia, Cook Islands and Fiji.

1st Championship will be held in April 2006.


President will send greetings to both organizations.


11. Informations of the Referee Committee


  • Regarding Referee Course, for the future every organisation should provide the enough high level competitors for course evaluation.


  • All referees must be present in time to attend the briefing. If not, they cannot participate as referee at the competition.


  • Any country in order to participate at the championship should bring, at least, one EGKF Referee.


  • No competitor at championship may act as referee in the same event.


All this recommendations were approved by the Congress.


12. Resolution regarding next Championships/Events


2006 - 1st EGKF International Seminar

Dortmund/Germany  July, 7.-9.


2006 - 1st World Karate Goju-Ryu Sporting Seminar

Assisi and Marsciano/Italy   September, 6.-10.


2007 - 13th Senior European Championship



2008 - 6th Cadets & Juniors European Championship

San Petersburg/Rússia


(The candidature of Madeira was defeated on election)


2009 - 14th Senior European Championship

Bern/Switzerland (?)


(To be decided at 2007 congress)


13. Other issues


- Slovakia presented proposal for amendment of WKF competition rules, as follows:


Article 6: Scoring


6. NIHON is awarded for:

a) Chudan kicks.

b) Punches on the back, including back of the head and neck.

c) Combination hand techniques, the individual components of which score in their own right.

d) Unbalancing the opponent and scoring.

e) Chudan or Jodan Tsuki when a technique is performed according to the following criteria to a scoring area:

            - Good timing (Diae)

            - Good form – good stance (position)

            - Awareness (Zanshin)

            - Vigorous application – speed and hardness


Justification: This is based on principles of Go Ju Ryu Style and GO tsuki.


Congress decided to discuss this matter with other issues referred in point number 5 of Congress agenda.


Article 7: Criteria for decision


In team matches when a team, has won sufficient bout victories or scored sufficient points as to be the established winner then the match is not declared over.


Justification: Contestants travel sometimes thousands of kilometres to fight on the competition and it is necessary to assure them the chance to do it.


Congress approved this proposition with immediate effect from present championship.


- Spain presented proposal for EGKF Dan certification under article 2, nº. 1 of Statutes, as follows:


Minimal requests: age (trough identification document) and time of practice (certified by national member) according to the following table








1º DAN



15 €

2º DAN



20 €

3º DAN



30 €

4º DAN



40 €

5º DAN



50 €

6º DAN



60 €

7º DAN



70 €

8º DAN



80 €

9º DAN



90 €

10º DAN



100 €


To the certified grades diffusion will be granted:

1. By Internet.

The EGKF will permanently display them, with the due actualisation, on its web site. On the same way demanding member should give diffusion on their web page those certifications.

2. By letter sent to all the members by the end of each year.

3 By Press note.

Every two years, before the senior championship on the press or magazine of the host country in two languages (countries one and English): “Relation of Dan Grade Issued by EGKF”


All incomes related should be transferred to EGKF bank account.


Only affiliated member with at least one year of good standing in EGKF may apply to such service.


Certifications can be produced in 3 different ways that might, obviously, be combined:


1 – Certified letter

2 – Diploma

3 – Identity Card


The EGKF President is here for authorized to perform the needed tasks in order to implement it.


The Certification Grade Department will become effective on 1 of January 2006 and all the members may start their applications.




Brno, 1.5.2006

Jiri Bocek

EGKF Secretary General



Past General Meetings drafts


EGKF General meeting, 19.9.2003, Elvas, Portugal      

EGKF General meeting, 21.09.2001, Furstenfeld, Austria        

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